12/1/2019 Home Burglary
A resident in the 1100 block of Haverford had been out of town over the holiday weekend and returned Sunday to find their home had been burglarized and their car in the garage had been stolen. Entry was gained by forcing open a backdoor. A laptop and other miscellaneous items along with the car were…
Read More11/27/2019 Car Larcenies
A resident in the 1000 block of Chetford, a resident on Wakehurst and 2 residents on Haverford all had car windows broken to gain access to their cars. All cars were locked, but items of value such as a GPS, gym bag, a diaper bag, and a shopping bag, were left in the cars. A…
Read More11/22/2019 Car Larcenies
A car in the 900 block of Chetford was parked on the street and the owner was visiting a resident. The car was locked but the owner had left a checkbook in plain sight in the center console. The window was broken and the checkbook and some other miscellaneous items were stolen. On the same…
Read MoreGarage Theft
On November 2, 2019, a resident on Aylesbury failed to close his garage door before going to bed. The next day they discovered that their leaf blower and a bag of clothing going to the cleaners was stolen. Please make sure you double check that your garage door is down when not in use. Not…
Read MoreAnother Backpack Stolen
On November 16, 2019, a resident on Kettering left his backpack in his locked car. The next morning he discovered that his back window had been broken and the backpack stolen. Please REMOVE anything that might be seen as valuable to a thief. Leave nothing in your car that is visible and always lock your…
Read MoreBurglaries
November 8th, 9th or 10th 2019 Residents in the 3100 block of Helmsdale left for a long weekend and when they returned they found their house had been entered through a side window. The screen was removed and they think the window may have been unlocked. The house had been somewhat ransacked, but ironically only…
Read MoreCrime Prevention Measures
The best time to think about how to protect your home is now. Be proactive by taking measures to secure your home. Not surprising, everyone who has had a burglary then takes measures to better protect their home. Why not do it beforehand? Listed below are some basic, but effective things you can do to…
An unlocked car in the 1100 block of Chetford Dr. was entered between 10PM and midnight. The resident went to his car around 10PM to get something and thinks he forgot to lock it. Around 1:00AM he received a phone call from his credit card company about fraudulent activity on his card. He had also…
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